Source code for indra_world.assemblers.cag.assembler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import object, dict, str
import os
import json
import logging
import networkx as nx
from indra.statements import Influence

# Python 2
# Python 3
    basestring = str

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CAGAssembler(object): """Assembles a causal analysis graph from INDRA Statements. Parameters ---------- stmts : Optional[list[indra.statement.Statements]] A list of INDRA Statements to be assembled. Currently supports Influence Statements. Attributes ---------- statements : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of INDRA Statements to be assembled. CAG : nx.MultiDiGraph A networkx MultiDiGraph object representing the causal analysis graph. """ def __init__(self, stmts=None): if not stmts: self.statements = [] else: self.statements = stmts self.grounding_threshold = None self.grounding_ontology = 'UN' self.CAG = None
[docs] def add_statements(self, stmts): """Add a list of Statements to the assembler.""" self.statements += stmts
[docs] def make_model(self, grounding_ontology='UN', grounding_threshold=None): """Return a networkx MultiDiGraph representing a causal analysis graph. Parameters ---------- grounding_ontology : Optional[str] The ontology from which the grounding should be taken (e.g. UN, FAO) grounding_threshold : Optional[float] Minimum threshold score for Eidos grounding. Returns ------- nx.MultiDiGraph The assembled CAG. """ if grounding_threshold is not None: self.grounding_threshold = grounding_threshold self.grounding_ontology = grounding_ontology # Filter to Influence Statements which are currently supported statements = [stmt for stmt in self.statements if isinstance(stmt, Influence)] # Initialize graph self.CAG = nx.MultiDiGraph() # Add nodes and edges to the graph for s in statements: # Get standardized name of subject and object # subj, obj = (self._node_name(s.subj), self._node_name(s.obj)) # See if both subject and object have polarities given has_both_polarity = ( is not None and is not None) # Add the nodes to the graph for node, delta in zip((s.subj.concept, s.obj.concept), (, self.CAG.add_node(self._node_name(node), simulable=has_both_polarity, mods=delta.adjectives) # Edge is solid if both nodes have polarity given linestyle = 'solid' if has_both_polarity else 'dotted' if has_both_polarity: same_polarity = ( == if same_polarity: target_arrow_shape, linecolor = ('circle', 'green') else: target_arrow_shape, linecolor = ('tee', 'maroon') else: target_arrow_shape, linecolor = ('triangle', 'maroon') # Add edge to the graph with metadata from statement provenance = [] if s.evidence: provenance = s.evidence[0].annotations.get('provenance', []) if provenance: provenance[0]['text'] = s.evidence[0].text self.CAG.add_edge( self._node_name(s.subj.concept), self._node_name(s.obj.concept),,,,, linestyle=linestyle, linecolor=linecolor, targetArrowShape=target_arrow_shape, provenance=provenance, ) return self.CAG
def print_tsv(self, file_name): def _get_factor(stmt, concept, delta, evidence, raw_name): if evidence.source_api == 'eidos': if concept.db_refs[self.grounding_ontology]: factor_norm = concept.db_refs[self.grounding_ontology][0][0] else: factor_norm = '' elif evidence.source_api == 'hume': factor_norm = concept.db_refs['HUME'][0][0] elif evidence.source_api == 'cwms': factor_norm = concept.db_refs['CWMS'] elif evidence.source_api == 'sofia': # TODO extract ontology catgory here factor_norm = mods = ', '.join(delta.adjectives) if delta.polarity == -1: pol = 'decrease' elif delta.polarity == 1: pol = 'increase' else: pol = '' name = raw_name if raw_name else return name, factor_norm, mods, pol def _get_evidence(evidence): # TODO: add sentence ID sent_id = '' location = evidence.annotations.get('Location') location = location if location is not None else '' time = evidence.annotations.get('Time') time = time if time is not None else '' ref = evidence.pmid if evidence.pmid is not None else '' return ref, evidence.source_api, sent_id, location, \ time, evidence.text header = ['Source', 'System', 'Sentence ID', 'Factor A Text', 'Factor A Normalization', 'Factor A Modifiers', 'Factor A Polarity', 'Relation Text', 'Relation Normalization', 'Relation Modifiers', 'Factor B Text', 'Factor B Normalization', 'Factor B Modifiers', 'Factor B Polarity', 'Location', 'Time', 'Evidence', 'Relation ID'] fh = open(file_name, 'w') fh.write('\t'.join(header) + '\n') # Filter to Influence Statements which are currently supported statements = [stmt for stmt in self.statements if isinstance(stmt, Influence)] all_rows = [] for idx, stmt in enumerate(statements): for evidence in stmt.evidence: source, system, sent_id, location, time, text = \ _get_evidence(evidence) factor_a, factor_a_norm, mod_a, pol_a = \ _get_factor(stmt, stmt.subj,, evidence, evidence.annotations['subj_text']) factor_b, factor_b_norm, mod_b, pol_b = \ _get_factor(stmt, stmt.obj,, evidence, evidence.annotations['obj_text']) relation_text = 'influences' # Can we get a more specific relation type here? relation_norm = '' relation_mod = '' row = [source, system, sent_id, factor_a, factor_a_norm, mod_a, pol_a, relation_text, relation_norm, relation_mod, factor_b, factor_b_norm, mod_b, pol_b, location, time, text, str(idx)] if row not in all_rows: all_rows.append(row) for row in sorted(all_rows, key=lambda x: x[0]): fh.write('\t'.join(row) + '\n') fh.close()
[docs] def export_to_cytoscapejs(self): """Return CAG in format readable by CytoscapeJS. Return ------ dict A JSON-like dict representing the graph for use with CytoscapeJS. """ def _create_edge_data_dict(e): """Return a dict from a MultiDiGraph edge for CytoscapeJS export.""" # A hack to get rid of the redundant 'Provenance' label. if e[3].get('provenance'): tooltip = e[3]['provenance'][0] if tooltip.get('@type'): del tooltip['@type'] else: tooltip = None edge_data_dict = { 'id' : e[0]+'_'+e[1], 'source' : e[0], 'target' : e[1], 'linestyle' : e[3]["linestyle"], 'linecolor' : e[3]["linecolor"], 'targetArrowShape' : e[3]["targetArrowShape"], 'subj_adjectives' : e[3]["subj_adjectives"], 'subj_polarity' : e[3]["subj_polarity"], 'obj_adjectives' : e[3]["obj_adjectives"], 'obj_polarity' : e[3]["obj_polarity"], 'tooltip' : tooltip, 'simulable' : False if ( e[3]['obj_polarity'] is None or e[3]['subj_polarity'] is None) else True, } return edge_data_dict return { 'nodes': [{'data': { 'id': n[0], 'simulable': n[1]['simulable'], 'tooltip': 'Modifiers: '+json.dumps(n[1]['mods'])} } for n in self.CAG.nodes(data=True)], 'edges': [{'data': _create_edge_data_dict(e)} for e in self.CAG.edges(data=True, keys=True)] }
[docs] def generate_jupyter_js(self, cyjs_style=None, cyjs_layout=None): """Generate Javascript from a template to run in Jupyter notebooks. Parameters ---------- cyjs_style : Optional[dict] A dict that sets CytoscapeJS style as specified in cyjs_layout : Optional[dict] A dict that sets CytoscapeJS `layout parameters <>`_. Returns ------- str A Javascript string to be rendered in a Jupyter notebook cell. """ # First, export the CAG to CyJS cyjs_elements = self.export_to_cytoscapejs() # Load the Javascript template tempf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'cag_template.js') with open(tempf, 'r') as fh: template = # Load the default style and layout stylef = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'cag_style.json') with open(stylef, 'r') as fh: style = json.load(fh) # Apply style and layout only if arg wasn't passed in if cyjs_style is None: cyjs_style = style['style'] if cyjs_layout is None: cyjs_layout = style['layout'] # Now fill in the template formatted_args = tuple(json.dumps(x, indent=2) for x in (cyjs_elements, cyjs_style, cyjs_layout)) js_str = template % formatted_args return js_str
def _node_name(self, concept): """Return a standardized name for a node given a Concept.""" if (# grounding threshold is specified self.grounding_threshold is not None # The particular eidos ontology grounding (un/wdi/fao) is present and concept.db_refs[self.grounding_ontology] # The grounding score is above the grounding threshold and (concept.db_refs[self.grounding_ontology][0][1] > self.grounding_threshold)): entry = concept.db_refs[self.grounding_ontology][0][0] return entry.split('/')[-1].replace('_', ' ').capitalize() else: return