Source code for indra_world.belief

from io import StringIO
import copy
import json
import pandas
import requests
from typing import Dict, Optional
from indra.belief import SimpleScorer, BayesianScorer
from indra.pipeline import register_pipeline
from indra_world.resources import get_resource_file

default_priors = {'hume': [13, 7], 'cwms': [13, 7], 'sofia': [13, 7]}

[docs]def load_eidos_curation_table() -> pandas.DataFrame: """Return a pandas table of Eidos curation data. Returns ------- table : A pandas dataframe of the curation data. """ url = '' + \ 'src/main/resources/org/clulab/wm/eidos/english/confidence/' + \ 'rule_summary.tsv' # Load the table of scores from the URL above into a data frame res = StringIO(requests.get(url).text) table = pandas.read_table(res, sep='\t') # Drop the last "Grant total" row table = table.drop(table.index[len(table)-1]) return table
[docs]@register_pipeline def get_eidos_bayesian_scorer( prior_counts: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] = None, ) -> BayesianScorer: """Return a BayesianScorer based on Eidos curation counts. Returns ------- scorer : A BayesianScorer belief scorer instance. """ table = load_eidos_curation_table() subtype_counts = {'eidos': {r: [c, i] for r, c, i in zip(table['RULE'], table['Num correct'], table['Num incorrect'])}} prior_counts = prior_counts if prior_counts else copy.deepcopy( default_priors) scorer = BayesianScorer(prior_counts=prior_counts, subtype_counts=subtype_counts) return scorer
[docs]@register_pipeline def get_eidos_scorer() -> SimpleScorer: """Return a SimpleScorer based on Eidos curated precision estimates. Returns ------- scorer : A SimpleScorer instance loaded with default prior probabilities as well as prior probabilities derived from curation-based counts. """ with open(get_resource_file('default_belief_probs.json'), 'r') as fh: prior_probs = json.load(fh) table = load_eidos_curation_table() # Get the overall precision total_num = table['COUNT of RULE'].sum() weighted_sum = table['COUNT of RULE'].dot(table['% correct']) precision = weighted_sum / total_num # We have to divide this into a random and systematic component, for now # in an ad-hoc manner syst_error = 0.05 rand_error = 1 - precision - syst_error prior_probs['rand']['eidos'] = rand_error prior_probs['syst']['eidos'] = syst_error # Get a dict of rule-specific errors. subtype_probs = {'eidos': {k: 1.0-min(v, 0.95)-syst_error for k, v in zip(table['RULE'], table['% correct'])}} scorer = SimpleScorer(prior_probs, subtype_probs) return scorer